
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
Mark 16:15

Bible Reading Plan

Are you ready to deepen your spiritual journey? Starting a plan in 2024 is a great way to experience the transformative power of Scripture in your life. Discover the joy and nourishment of reading God’s word daily through Bible reading plans. Please see several options below:

  • M’Cheyne Bible Calendar (Carson version year 1&2) guides you through a two year plan during which you read the New Testament once each year, and the Old Testament over the two-year span.
  • 5x5x5 reading plan. This plan goes through the New Testament in five days a week, for five minutes a day, with five ways to help you dig deeper into the Scripture
  • The Bible Project. If you’re looking to follow a plan that has some commentary, then this is a good choice. The videos that preface the book you are about to read provide valuable information to help you understand what you read and make it more engaging.

    For more information or questions regarding the Bible reading plans please send an inquiry to

    Small Group Bible Study

    Join us for our small group Bible studies starting in January! With various options available, there is still room for you to participate and grow in your faith. Please refer to the calendar for dates. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please reach out to Pastor David or Karina. Alternatively, you can send an email to . We look forward to studying and exploring the Word of God together!


      Everyone is welcome to join our prayer meeting, Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. Jesus said, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them,” and we hold Him to that promise. Join us for a short Bible study and time to praise God and cast all our cares upon Him. We wholly believe in the power of prayer to change the world.

      For more information and the Zoom meeting link to join our online prayer meeting, please send a request to



      FRIDAY NIGHTS - 7:30 PM, Sunday Mornings - 11:30am

      Every other Friday at 7:30pm and alternating Sunday mornings after the worship service, young people, high school age and up, gather to spend time together and learn what God has planned for them. Our leaders prepare lessons specifically geared to be relevant and meaningful to young people, and equip them to do life as Christ’s followers. We offer opportunities to learn and grow in a comfortable environment through discussion, prayer, and casual social time.


      Children are important to us.  We want to make sure that everyone grows up knowing how much God loves them and wants them to be a part of His family. Our Children’s Sunday School is open to children from the ages of 3-13.  Our talented group of volunteer leaders work hard to teach our kids solid Biblical truths in an awesome, engaging and loving atmosphere. You’ll sing, learn the Bible, and enjoy fun activities and crafts to ensure that everyone will grow to understand God’s plan for their life.


      Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (NIV Matt. 19:14)


      Sunday Service:
      10:30 AM

      Find Us

      Church of God (Hamilton)
      265 Bowman St.
      Hamilton, ON L8S 2T9